
Asia Energy Efficiency Accelerator – Energy Efficiency Policy and Capacity Development

Existing ESCO players in Indonesia are familiar with and capable of conducting both walk-through and detailed energy audits. However, a  gap was identified from the walk-through and detailed energy audits stages to a suitable integrated IGA with its packaging of an EEP (Energy Efficiency Package) of EE measures in terms of their combined technical and financial aspects. As part of the team, Castlerock Consulting built capacity on how to package the results of walk-through and detailed energy audits into a bankable IGA comprising both technical and financial EEP aspects. This Pre-IGA EEA project activity developed and ran a one-week workshop, covering introduction to ESCO models, how to identify, fund and undertake prospective ESCO opportunity scoping, how to fund and undertake suitable pre-IGA walk through and/or detailed energy audits and MOU development.