Development of ASEAN Best Practice Policy Guidelines on Renewable Energy Support Mechanisms for Bankable Projects
The Renewable Energy Support Programme for ASEAN (ASEAN-RESP) is a collaborative programme between the ACE and GIZ that aims at improving the preconditions for the enhanced use of electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RE) in the ASEAN region. ACE decided to formulate ASEAN Best Practice Policy Guideline on support mechanisms for bankable RE projects (Policy Guideline), which present effective policy approaches and support mechanisms for private investment in RE projects at different stage of RE market maturity. Policy Guideline focuses on RE technologies that are not yet fully bankable for project finance across ASEAN. The 2012 Policy Guidelines were therefore oriented towards solar, wind, biomass, biogas, and smaller scale hydro.
Castlerock authored the Guidelines, which contained the followings:
- The characteristics and stages of RE market developments in ASEAN Countries.
- The characteristics and attributes of RE Support Mechanisms of Bankable Projects.
- Key issues for development of RE projects in ASEAN Countries.
- Identification of best practices for development of bankable Projects in ASEAN countries.
- Formulation of best practices and policy recommendations on RE Support Mechanisms for Bankable Projects.