Dwi Novitasari
Dwi Novitasari has 10+ years of professional experience in renewable and sustainable energy development programs. Novi holds her bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Her interest concerns renewable energy, energy planning, energy transition, social engineering, sustainable energy, and climate, land, energy, and water (CLEW) nexus.
Before joining Castlerock, she was a researcher at the Center for Energy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (CES-UGM). Within +6 years in CES-UGM, she was involved in national and international projects under Millennial Challenges Account Indonesia (MCAI), USAID, European Climate Fund (ECF), Oxfam-UK, National Science Foundation-USA, and UNOPS. Besides the engineering project, Novi was a monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) specialist at Center for Development of Sustainable Region (CDSR) project under CES-UGM in 2017-2020. In 2021-2022 she was also a consultant for Support the Development of a Conducive Policy Framework for Promoting Green Employment in the Renewable Energy for Inclusive Sustainable Economic Development (ISED) Project, GIZ.
Novi has published over 20 papers (journal/proceeding) as an author/co-authors. She was also involved in more than five published books. Novitasari was also involved in four policy briefs published by Climate Compatible Growth for COP26 and COP27.