
PLTP Sarulla Study

The 2018 study was commissioned by PT Rekadaya Elektrika Consult who had been assigned by the developers of PLTP Sarulla. The main objective of this study was a detailed scenario in Sumatera capacity planning the impact of this expansion to the system compared to other generation based on the PLN’s RUPTL (Long term planning).

  • Castlerock performed production simulation with PLEXOS software on Sumatra grid from 2022 to 2026.
  • Two scenarios were considered, baseline scenario (realistic scenario, where the COD of -generation and transmission projects are shifted or modified according to the project’s progress status) and transmission delay scenario (demand forecast and COD generating projects are the same as Baseline Scenarios, but with delays in the 500 kV transmission project for 3 (three) years from the COD schedule in the baseline scenario).
  • The study result reflected how the PLTP would have performed under the scenarios mentioned above.