KfW Independent Verification Agent for Sustainable Energy Access in Eastern Indonesia – Electricity Grid Development Program for Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara
KfW engaged Castlerock to serve as the Independent Verification Agent (IVA) for monitoring and evaluation of the grid strengthening projects carried out under Results-based lending (RBL) which is a performance-based form of financing, where disbursements are linked to the achievement of results. RBL disbursements are made on the basis of independent verification of performance against targets defined in a Program Result Framework.
- In its role as IVA, Castlerock independently verifies baseline indicators, disbursement-linked indicators (DLIs), other result indicators and progress of the Program Action Plan (PAP)
- Verification activities of result indicators and the PAP of RBL SNT entail evaluation of PLN systems, business processes and official documentation that relate to achievement indicators, interviews through one-on-one or focus group meetings, broad stakeholder consultations, physical inspections of selected random sites, data analysis and formulation of verification opinions/results.
- Castlerock verified review of RBL programs cover various aspects of distribution network activities, namely, the investment in distribution network to increase electricity access; and improvement of network reliability and efficiency to increase service quality, as well as the social and environmental impact objectives defined by KfW.
- Castlerock supports a coordinated review process between KfW and ADB for verification items that are common to both respective Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara RBL programs.