Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam

Capacity Building for Installers and System Designers for Solar PV Rooftop Installations

This APEC 2014 Program was focused on Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

The fast and steady growth of Solar PV installations worldwide highlighted several problems that  affected the reliability and efficiency of such systems, especially for rooftop installations. In South East Asian countries in particular, installers and system designers of Solar PV system were lacking proper skills which resulted in lower performance (or efficiency) of the system, safety issues during installation and operations and grid-connection issues.

Addressing the problem mentioned above, APEC conducted Capacity Building for Installers and System Designers for Solar PV Rooftop Installations with main objectives to develop training curriculum, identified potential training center in referenced southeast Asia APEC member states, transferred the training curriculum to training institutions, design a certification program for installer and system designer and increase awareness of South East Asia countries to implement national certification program for Solar PV Rooftop.

Castlerock was the lead consultant in this project, providing the expertise and services covering: 

  • development training curriculums for Solar PV installers and system designers, as well as for trainers; 
  • development of  Solar PV rooftop training materials for installers and system  designers; 
  • mapping out of training institutions and 
  • transfer of training curriculum and training materials to selected training institutions.